
Gradnite is a safe, fun, alcohol & drug free all night party for the seniors, the night they graduate from Duxbury High School. It will take place the night of graduation, June 7th, 2025. Check in begins at 10:00 p.m. and ends at 11:00 p.m. Nobody will be admitted after 11:00. It will be held at DHS/DMS.

What happens at Gradnite?

Without being too specific (we like the element of surprise) there will be activities and events occurring throughout the night including inflatables, a hypnotist, music, bingo, a coffee house (complete with iced coffee) and a casino. There will also be a raffle. Last year, every senior that attended went home with a prize including mini-refrigerators, small flat-screen televisions, wireless printers, gift cards, and wireless speakers. There is an endless supply of food and beverages all night.


Tickets will be on sale soon. The party costs about $26,000. With fundraisers and donations, from parents and from the community, we are able to keep ticket costs down, but what we charge does not cover the entire cost of the party.


There are forms to sign and send back to us, and you can pay via PayPal or by check. There will not be any issued paper tickets. We keep meticulous records and a list at the door of those who paid. You will receive an e-mail confirmation once the payment and paperwork have been received.

Discounted Tickets

An e-mail will be sent to those students who earned free or discounted tickets. Please have them buy their ticket and return their paperwork in March, or if they earned a free ticket, do their paperwork in March.

Is there a breathalyzer?

Yes, and the contact on the agreement form will be called to come to get you if it indicates the presence of alcohol. As this event is being held on school property, school rules and regulations will be strictly adhered to. In order to be admitted to Gradnite, you must blow green on the breathalyzer. Additionally, if you are found to have alcohol, or any other illicit drugs on your person, the contact on your form will be called to immediately come to get you. Additionally, a ticket will be written by the Duxbury police.

Do you need chaperones?

Parents of students of all ages, except seniors, volunteer to spend the night as a chaperone. We also have a police officer and an EMT on-site.

Can the graduates leave early?

Yes, however we encourage all graduates to stay the entire night. There will be so much to do they will not get to participate in everything if they leave early. If a graduates decides to leave early they MUST HAVE A PARENTS PICK THEM UP.

Can the graduates drive themselves?


Can I donate or ask my friends to donate?

Yes! Stay tuned for the SignUp Geniuses. There will be one for food donations and volunteers and one for prize and monetary donations.

How can I help?

Parents of seniors do not stay overnight on Gradnite, but can help by: donating food, money, and/or prizes. You can also help by: fundraising, attending a collage-making night, and/or hosting a collage making night. Regular announcements about how to be involved and sign up for all of these things will be made via e-mail, the Gradnite website, Facebook, and the DHS Newsletter. If you, or any friends of yours with younger students want to help out, it would be very much appreciated.